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BackTrack September 2018

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September 2018 Journal

BackTrack Cover September 2018

Western Shed Visits - colour spread by Trevor Owen

Aspects of Ambitious Schemes 1848-56: Part One - Jeffrey Wells looks at some notable new railway bridges: Conway, the High Level at Newcastle, the Royal Border at Berwick and the Wye at Chepstow.

'The Legion' - archive photos of the LMS experimental engine 'Fury' and rebuilt as No.6170 'British Legion'.

Buffer and Roof Riding - Alistair F. Nisbet looks at some unconventional approaches to rail travel.

Unwillingly to School? - Nicholas Daunt shares memories of the Camp Hill line in Birmingham.

The North British Railway's J88 Tanks - a brief portrait by David P. Williams.

Marylebone - Last in - and still there: four pages of colour at the 'newest' London terminus.

Rail Centre Peebles - a Scottish border town's lines described by A. J. Mullay.

The Chatham Line to Dover: Part One - 'A Very Difficult Railway' described by Jeremy Clarke.

Ford Bridge Signal Box and Crossing - a location on the Shrewsbury–Hereford line visited by Dr. M. H. Yardley.

Placating the Civils: A Tricky Balancing Act - Part One: The Pioneering Efforts of George Bodmer by Miles Macnair.

Thurlby Station - a picture portrait of a Lincolnshire country station by A. J. Ludlam.

The Wires are Down - J. Crosse looks at an official record of wartime air raid damage on the Southern Railway.