June 2009 Journal
Winwick Quay and Junction - colour spread by Brian Magilton of a busy spot on the West Coast route north of Warrington. 
The Queen of the South and her railways - David Stirling looks at the development of railways and train services through Dumfries.
Victoria Park Junction - Allan Patterson recalls working a busy signal box in East London in the 1970s and 80s.
Eulogy for the 4-SUBs - Alistair F. Nisbet remembers these stalwarts of the Southern electric lines.
St. Pancras: From Redundancy to Jewel in the Crown - Part 2 - Geoffrey Skelsey concludes the story of how the Midland's grand station became the gateway to Europe.
Steam on the South Western Main Line - four pages of colour of the SR Pacifics.
The Logistics of Railway Construction - Part 1 - Gordon Biddle looks at how the railways obtained the materials to build their earthworks, bridges and stations.
Railways, Dr. Beeching and the BBC - Part 2 - the concluding part of Michael Rutherford's review of recent television presentation of 1960s railway history.
A 'Directors' Cut - colour spread of the Great Central D10 and D11 Class 'Director' 4-4-0s.
Railway Canals - A.J. Mullay explains how the canals failed to benefit in Edwardian times from the prosperity of the railways which owned them.