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BackTrack February 2023

Steam Train Photo



February 2023 Journal

BackTrack February 2023Working Class - colour spread on the LMS Class 3F tank locomotives.

Birkenhead Woodside - Dr. Michael Yardley tell the story of a once important Merseyside terminus.

The North British Railway Atlantics - David. P. Williams describes these impressive locomotives built for the Edinburgh, Perth and Aberdeen expresses.

Bargain of the Month - Peter Butler recalls days out to Sheffield and Manchester using British Railways bargain day tickets 50 years ago.

The RAF Leuchars Railway - the story of a military railway installation in Scotland by Alistair F. Nisbet.

The First Application of Locomotive Engines in Lancashire: Robert Daglish and the 'Yorkshire Horse' - Nicholas Daunt looks at early railway developments in the Wigan and St. Helens area.

When the 'Deltics' were green - three colour pages from the camera of Gavin Morrison.

Suburban Surbiton - archive photographs by John Spencer Gilks of the 1930s architecture of Surbiton station in Surrey.

Bath Times - colour spread of GWR locomotives around the city of Bath.

Sojourns on the Southern - Mike Fenton concludes his series on camping coach holidays on the Southern Railway and later on the Southern Region of British Railways in the years 1947-67.

Chessington Memories - Michael H.C. Baker's recollections of suburban travel on the Southern suburban system.

James Toleman Revisited - Robin Barnes looks at a curious and completely unsuccessful locomotive built in Britain for the 1893 Chicago Exposition.

The Nidd Valley Light Railway - Mike G. Fell describes a railway originally built for Bradford Corporation's reservoir construction which operated a public passenger service in the Yorkshire Dales until 1929.